It's been, like, an eternity since I've written on here. March 2nd, 2010... that was what, 13 days ago?! Bad Jazmine, bad! No longer shall I keep my 36 awesome followers waiting! It seems as though now that most of us have either gotten our acceptance or rejection letters the chaos seems to be subsiding. People aren't chatting as much in meebo, vlogs aren't being posted every few days, and no one is obsessively blogging-- well, because there isn't much to talk about! I will have to compile a new list of things to blog and vlog about so that I can keep this up-and-coming, bombDOTcom journey new, hip, and funky-fresh. Once I have a day off and can actually get back to a normal sleeping pattern, I will be updating and vlogging way more frequently, so never fear! I'm not going to update you on the boringness of my life, but here are the top five highlights and happenings going on in my life.
One. Found roommate number four. Her name is Kristen & I think she will fit us quite well. I haven't had the chance to talk with her much yet, but that's mostly because a large chunk of the Disney excitement has died down. I'm sure once summer hits & we get closer to August 9th, we'll all get the ball rolling.
Two. It's been crunch time at school. All of this DCP-ness has gotten me off track. I'd hate to miss out on an opportunity as awesome as this all because I can't manage to keep a descent GPA.
Three. Slavery is much in full effect in the United States. When I mean slavery, I am referring to the ridiculous amount of work I do at my job. Make that two jobs. I haven't officially started the second one yet, but I can tell it's going to make me meet my demise.
Four. Oh yeah... I got my purple folder! Let's just say it didn't come as I expected, which you'll see if you watch my Purple Folder Vlog. After you watch that you'll see why I didn't post the excited "I GOT MY FOLDER" post on here, but I intend to take pictures and have an appropriate tribute to my purple folder when the new one arrives. (Of COURSE I called Disney for a new one... did you think I was going to flaunt that horrid thing around?!)
Five. I am now apparently going to be auditioning in Pittsburg, PA with my girl Alyssa B. on March 26, 2010 at 4:00pm so if you are going, I'll see you there! Personally I'm content with Merchandise, but it would be rather AWESOME to be a parade performer or face character (although my chances are close to zero that that will happen.) Still, it should be a fun experience.
Since I'm frequently up during all hours of the morning and night, please entertain me, love me, ask me, comment me, etc. by It gives me something to do.
Also, I haven't done one of these in a while, so it's time for a new segment of

The Jersey is about Nick Lighter, Morgan Hudson, Coleman Galloway, and Elliot Riffkin, four teens who discover the magic of "the jersey", a mystical Oklahoma Sooners football jersey that transports them into the bodies of professional athletes. Personally, I am at a loss of why Disney took this show off the air and replaced it with the lame-ities of the Wizards of Waverly Place and JONAS, but whatever makes you money right? This was show was in the day where many DC series were unisex and boys (and tomboys) could enjoy good tv. I salute you The Jersey.
I've just had a thought! (Who knew my brain could function ideas at this time?!) I'm going to have a "Supreme I REMEMBER THAT!" Vlog. I even have the perfect song for it! Also, from looking at many people's blogs--can't remember who's but it's been a couple-- and I would like to get in on this whole ABCs of Disney. A lot of people I think are doing just movies but I want to build off of this idea... we'll just have to see! Also, if you haven't checked out my youtube channel I have four, count 'em, FOUR vlogs up now, so check those out and subscribe!
That's all I got for now. I'm going to try and do something productive (what can you do productive at 4am? who knows...) but something tells me this is going to be a fail.
Have a Magical Day!
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