It is inspired by Marvel comic books. Although technically Disney owns the rights to Marvel Entertainment, Universal announced that Marvel's new ownership would not affect Marvel Super Hero Island, & Disney CEO Robert Iger acknowledged that Disney would continue to honor any contracts that Marvel currently has with Disney competitors. For those of you who aren't comic savvy and are wondering what "heroes" are apart of Marvel, expect to see Wolverine, Captain America, Spider-Man, & the Incredible Hulk running around this area.

Toon Lagoon
This place reminds me of comics in a newspaper and is actually a pretty random land. Best way to describe it is Popeye mixed with Blondie. See what I mean? Can't even describe it. It's pretty awesome though and is home to some really fun water rides--an excellent way to cool off in the Florida heat!

Jurassic Park
I wish they had gone a little more all-out on this land, since Jurassic Park is one of my favorite movies, but the Jurassic Park River Adventure ride is pretty awesome. This land is pretty much self-explanatory--it's going to be a mini version of the park in the movie, with the exception of bloodthirsty dinosaurs.

The Lost Continent
Another random land that wasn't really thought out well by the planners. It had a weird combination of ancient Arabia, Greece, and Medieval Times. It's obvious Universal didn't have the best park layout unlike Disney. Anyways, a part of this section (pretty much the medieval part) has been removed and transformed into another land which I'm pretty excited about and I'll talk later.

Seuss Landing
Okay, as awful as the layout has been so far, I have to give credit where credit is due and Seuss Landing is the most legit land ever. The atmosphere is amazing and I absolutely love it, although I may be biased since I'm a big fan of Dr. Seuss. It is specially geared towards small children and is based on the works of author Dr. Seuss (obviously) BUT anyone who's a fan of the Seuss will love this place. They even have a Grinch Who Stole Christmas show! One of the unique characteristics of this area is, like in the books, there is not a single straight line anywhere. Palm trees, curved by the winds of Hurricane Andrew, were even installed in the area to continue this theming. Pretty awesome, eh?
da.. da da da da da da da da da da da da da da DAAAA!
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter!!!
Although this land isn't open yet, it will feature attractions, shops and restaurants set inside such locations as the Forbidden Forest, Hogsmeade Village and the iconic Hogwarts castle. This is what I am most excited about! You'll be able to ride a hippogriff, drink butterbeer, be apart of the first task in the Triwizard Tournament, shop in Hogsmeade, visit the Forbidden Forest, take a tour of Hogwarts, and be chosen by a wand ("The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Potter") at Ollivander's shop. I can already tell this is going to be LEGIT.
Here's my top 10 attractions list for IoA.
1. Incredible Hulk Coaster
2. Popeye & Bluto's Blige-Rat Barges
3. The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man
4. The Cat in the Hat
5. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
6. Dragon Challenge
7. The High in the Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride
8. Jurassic Park River Adventure
9. Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls
10. One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
As for dining, Universal isn't as hardcore as Disney and the menus are pretty generic, so you'd be pretty safe eating anywhere. However, I know where I will be quenching my thirst and refueling for snackage-- Honeydukes, The Three Broomsticks, or the Hogs Head! But Green Eggs and Ham Cafe and Circus McGurkus restaurant in Seuss Landing are pretty awesome as well.
In my opinion, IoA is way better than it's counterpart Universal Studios, but I recommend you check out both. Can't wait to see you guys down there... particularly in the WWoHP!
Have a Magical Day!
so excited to go to Wizarding world of Harry Potter!!